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Photographs and Information of Previous Sexey's Grammar School Reunions.

2022 Biennial 'Boarders of the 60's' Reunion

On Sunday, September 4th a slightly depleted number (5 boarders along with 2 other halves) of ex boarders met up at the Sexey's Arms in Blackford to commemorate 125 years of the school's beginnings at Stoughton in1897.
Before our meal ended I handed out to each of the the boarders a postcard that I'd had made up, the picture side being Edward Smith's (1st headmaster)  pen and ink drawing of the barn part of the school which was one of his contributions to one of the early school magazines.

The barn itself was used as a classroom for the boys (the girls were educated in the main farm house over the road) and has a Victorian post box embedded in the wall - my idea was that we would post these cards back to our home addresses just as the earliest boarders would have posted their letters and cards 125 years ago - at the time of writing (Sept 7th) I can report mine has turned up this morning - not bad for 2nd class!! I wonder what delivery times were like back in the Victorian era?
Once we had reached the old school we carried out a 'mass posting' before walking back to the Sexey's.

Despite the small numbers the day was a really enjoyable one and we look forward to celebrating the 125 year anniversary of the main school at our next reunion in 2024. Martyn

2022 Class of '65 Mini Reunion

Organised by Wendy Callear (Upham) this reunion was held at  the Dunstan House, Burnham on Sea. Wendy was joined by six of her classmates and is one of the first 'post pandemic' Sexey's reunions - well done Class of '65!! 

L-R  (Surnames as 1965) - Mary Tanner, Patsy Thorne, Clare Marwood, Wendy Upham, Geoff Hunt, Peter Bloodworth, Ed Parker and Tim Ham,          


         2019 Brent House Reunion


Once again we all met up around midday for a lovely 2 course lunch and coffee. This year saw 60 past pupils attending representing 28 years of the school's existence - Fred Coombes and Mervyn Vowles started the school in 1940 and newcomer, Phil Young represented the younger end starting in 1968 - nice to see you, Phil.

This year was a rather special event as 2019 represented 400 years since the death of Hugh Sexey on August 19th, 1619. To commemorate this I explained that I had asked permission from the Rector of the church where he was buried (St Giles, Cripplegate, London) if a photo of his carved likeness, which appears on the wall of Sexey's hospital, Bruton, could stay in the church at least overnight. She was quite happy for this to happen and either I or my son will place the picture inside the church on the morning of August 19th - there will be some photos of this in the latest photo gallery so look out for them some time after this date.

Sadly, Cynthia and Nigel decided that this would be their final reunion they would organise and I'm sure we would all like to thank them for all their hard work over the past 5 or so years, I presented them with a small bouquet of flowers as a token of our thanks.

Unfortunately, this means that we need a new organiser(s) for next years event, without which the reunion will not go ahead - if you feel you could do this please contact me by email on  -Iknow that Cynthia and Nigel are quite happy to pass on their 'tricks of the trade' to make things go as smoothly as possible.

As usual we had a lovely meal provided by Brent House, they always seem to come up with the goods and made for a very enjoyable afternoon - lets hope that someone will come forward so that the event will take place next year - I will place monthly notifications in the Guest Book from January onwards so everyone will know whether the event will take place.

Click on the next pics to enlarge.

 Class of '65 Reunion, 2019
 Organised by Wendy Callear, the reunion was held on Saturday, 18th of May.

Back row, left to right - Paul Herniman, Robert Davies, Sally Thomas, Tim Ham, Andy Jackson, Pete Bloodworth, Elwyn Litten, Patricia Humphreys, Nigel Dean, Hilary Partridge, John Grant, (pink chequered shirt),  Simon Blake (yellow shirt), Ed Parker

Middle Row - Rosemary Besley (Mrs. Mike Bell),Sherlie Olive, Mary Tanner, Lesley Moorhouse, Richard Porter (holding camera), David Wyatt (Light grey jacket),  Mike Bell, Colin Bateman

Front Row - Marney Shears, Denise Hill, Wendy Upham, Vicki Alcock, Sylvia Philips, Patsy Thorne


'A great time was had by all, today, at The Sexey's Arms.  27 of us turned up, together with the ever-sleuthful John Grant and his partner,  Audrey. We walked around the grounds of the school first then met at the pub for a 1330 buffet. Pauline put on a lovely spread. I'd thoroughly recommend the venue for future gatherings of up to 30 people. ' Wendy Callear.

 Biennial Boarders of the 60's Reunion
As usual we met at the Sexey's Arms for midday ready for a 1pm lunch. Numbers were down to five boarders plus two 'other halves' in the form of Judith and Phil.

We decided to walk down to the church initially but, as with last year, it was locked up - sign of the times, I suppose. We then carried on walking round the village mindful of the fact it was 50 years previous that Blackford suffered the catastrophic flooding of 1968.

 We then headed for the school for the first of the day's pictures ably taken by 'Photographer Phil'. 

After that we ambled past the front of the school towards the Sexey's Arms. During the lovely, beef roast I read out a letter (see pic) that Robin Mitchell had sent to the group . Robin had been a boarder up until 1962 and now lives in Australia.


From Robin Mitchell - class of 1955 - boarder until 1962

My best wishes to those Sexey's boarders present at the reunion of "The boarders of the 60s", and I hope that you have a very pleasant reunion event.

I attended a reunion for the class of 1955 on the 22nd August 2017, which Robert Fear kindly organised to take place whilst I was visiting the UK (I live in Sydney, Australia). It was a small group (including Philip Lloyd who was in my class as a boarder). We spent lunchtime and the afternoon with much reminiscing, and it was very much enjoyed by those there. The group walked through Blackford village and also visited the church - a venue that, as a boarder, I attended every Sunday in school uniform.

A lot of my school memories are about being a boarder. The boarding complement (when I was there) was twelve boys and twelve girls. That sounds really good and it was a situation that I fully embraced from about the age of fifteen onwards. It also seemed to be a trigger for misbehaving!

I was in trouble a lot with the teachers, especially "The Wick" (Henry Tomlinson the headmaster), and "Blodwyn" (Robert Reid the boarding house master).

One punishment that Wick handed out to me was to dig up his vegetable garden ready for new crops - fairly benign. However Blodwyn's disciplinary methods were that you had to meet him in the gymnasium where he would hand you a pair of boxing gloves. Need I say more except to say that after about ninety seconds you were ready to apologise and say you wouldn't do it again!

If you read my school report (I still have it), anyone would wonder how I would ever hold down a job, let alone get a job in the first place. But it did all happen - i.e. my first job, emigration, marriage for fifty-one years so far, homes and children, jobs and my own business - and all despite "The Wicks" misgivings that he wrote about in his final entry in my report book.

Again, my very best wishes for an enjoyable reunion event, and I have enclosed a few photographs for your interest…Robin Mitchell

After a very leisurely and enjoyable meal I was able to put Patsy in touch with Sue Thompson (thanks to John Grant's searchings) who started boarding at the same time as her and they spoke to one another for the first time in many, many years! Apparently, both of them will be attending the class of '65 reunion that takes place in May of next year so it will be great for the two of them to catchup.

Mel let me have a picture for copying that Beverley had sent her (unfortunately, Bev couldn't make it this year) of Pauline, Mel and Dianne in 64/65 ouside the girls' hostel.

After a really enjoyable day we said our goodbyes looking forward to our next meeting in two year's time.   Martyn

Brent House Reunion, 2018

The reunion was held on Monday, May14th and over 50 'pupils' attended representing the school from the early 1940's to the 1970's.It was particularly nice to see a member of staff there, Beryl Leech (as was) who taught PE and Geography at the school during the 1960s and 70's.

This year was a landmark for the website as it reached the ripe old age of 10. I would like to echo my thanks here to all the people who have contributed to the site in any way.

As usual the Brent House staff put on a lovely meal and thanks must goto them as well as to Cynthia and her team for organising the event so efficiently - they even managed to conjure up the sunshine!!

Many thanks to Mervyn Vowles for bringing along a picture of himself and other boarders from way back in 1944 - this will appear in Gallery 8 shortly. Unfortunately, because the number of pictures that are available have all but dried up I have decided not to bring my photo copying stand any more - it's heavier than it looks! I would ask anyone who still has photos to send a copy of them (as JPEGS preferably) to . See you all next year, Martyn.

Sexey's Arms Reunion, 2017

This event was organised by Robert Fear to coincide with the visit to the UK by Robin Mitchell (from Sydney, Australia). The reunion took place on the 22nd August 2017, and as usual, the venue was the Sexey's Arms pub at Blackford.

Attending were Wendy (Dene) Holtom, Robin Mitchell and his wife Gai, Jacqueline (Lane) Amesbury, Sally (Porter) Pearce, Adrian Ellis, Barbara (Cook) Ellis, Philip Lloyd, Robert Fear and his wife Maureen.

 The event commenced at 12 o'clock with drinks at the bar and lots of catch-up chat. A buffet lunch was served at 1 o'clock with more chat and reminiscing. Robin passed around an album of photographs from his time at school as a boarder including photos of the boarder's dormitory as at 1955, his letters home, various sports photos from years 1958-1962, school report extracts, miscellaneous photos of pupils in the class, and Pirates of Penzance stuff.

At 3 o'clock, the group walked into Blackford village to the old post office, which is now a private residence. Memories were shared about how the boarders used to get their hair cut there. The group walked onto the church which Robert had arranged to be left open on the day of the reunion. Some time was spent reminiscing about the boarders on Sundays, getting dressed in school uniform and walking down from school to attend the evening service.


The group sat in the front pews whilst Robert stood in the pulpit and read a message from the Reverend Richard Neil (the Vicar of the Benefice of the Isle of Wedmore). Robert then read a poem remembering school days and those pupils who are no longer with us-

Life lay before us,

There was so much to do.

The world was ours to conquer and explore

When we left Sexey's Grammar School's door.


There were jobs to be found

Further education to be had,

And someday becoming Mums and Dads.

Some chose to travel many miles away

For others, this was the place to stay.


Some may have accomplished

Most of the things they had planned

And think life has been just grand.

While in other lives

Many changes had to be made,

We had to make lots of adjustments

Along life's way.


But no matter what

As we gather once more,

I'm sure we're glad

We've made it this far.

As we renew old acquaintances

And talk about the things we used to do,

We will learn that we are short of a few.


Some have departed this life along the way

And are absent from our gathering today.

Now as their names are read

Some will remember things

That they did or said.

Faces will become vivid once more

Though they haven't come through the door.


So let us live our lives

Mindful of the things we say and do,

For the next one missing

Might be me or you.

Robert read out the names of those who had passed away together with a few words about them-

Christine (Tina) Wilcox deceased 1959

Paul (Stu) Senior deceased 1961

Maureen (Mo) Harding deceased 2009

Jennifer (Jenny) Parsons deceased 2012

Colin Adams deceased 2016


The group returned to the Sexey's Arms for afternoon tea. Robert read out messages from those pupils that were unable to attend-

Jill (Batten) Smith, Allan Body, Susan (Dudley) Kimmings, Clive Holloway, Martyn James, Christopher Marquis, Pauline (Pavey) Westlake, Julian Robertson, John Sparshatt (class of 1953), Sally (Watson) Hooper, Pat (Young) Glover

There was a mild roast of Robin Mitchell by Robert who remembered Robin as always being hungry (something to do with being a boarder...), and convincing day pupils to share their lunch with him. Robert was one of those day pupils and in memory of those days, he presented Robin with an apple, a Wagon Wheel chocolate biscuit and a packet of potato crisps (with the separate blue packet of salt). 

Robin Mitchell made a speech to the group thanking Robert for organising the reunion, and thanking everyone for being there to make the day special for himself and his wife. The speech continued to include memories about life as boarder, getting into trouble, how we all went on to have meaningful lives despite some of the teacher's despairing comments in our school report books. Robin displayed a school prefect's school tie, and also his cricket cap from when he was captain of the cricket team, both with accompanying memories.

Barbara (Cook) Ellis donated a cake for the occasion, decorated with a class photograph. This was ceremonially cut by the overseas visitors Robin and his wife, and served with tea and coffee. Further chatting continued until about 5 o'clock. The event was a great success and very much enjoyed by everyone present.

 2017 Reunion - Class of 1968

The 'Class of 1968' held a very successful reunion on Saturday 15th July 2017 at Rookery Manor. The idea of a reunion was sparked by the fact that the academic year 2016 - 2017 saw most people reach the big 60 milestone and therefore an even greater reason to celebrate and reflect on the intervening 42 - 44 years.

44 people attended, made up of 37 past pupils, 6 partners and Dr Steve Chinn (teacher and tutor). It was especially pleasing that some had made the effort to travel from Australia, Spain, Isle of Man and two came from Scotland.


Back row (L-R): John Pavey ~ Andrew Beer ~Andy Williams ~ David Booth ~ Phil Young ~Andrew Perry ~ Steve Swan ~ Hugh Boswell ~ Geoff Savage ~Jackie Simon ~ Jackie Coombes;

Middle row (L-R): Andy Walters ~ Allan Jackson ~ David Eckersley ~ Vivika Alexander, Sue Easton ~Julia Hansford ~ Rachel Hares ~ Denise Jones ~Adrian Ham ~ Carol Reeves ~ Fiona MacGregor ~ Amanda Bawdon ~ Neil McKen;

Front row (L-R): Clare Wallis ~ Kate Smith ~ Liz Barnard ~ Sue Ham ~ Dr. Steve Chinn ~ Louise Calderon ~ Bev Timms ~ Sabine Goetsch ~ Sue Wilson ~ Janet Ravenscroft ~ Elaine Smith ~ Angela Birch;
Seated on floor (L-R): Nicky Day ~ Jackie Cox.

A spin off from the process of searching for people was that some class members met up before the event when they discovered, after so long, that they actually lived quite close to former friends.


A Facebook page was set up, prior to the event, to allow people to contribute a 500 word brief outline of what had happened since parting company in either 1973 or 1975. This was particularly helpful in allowing a partial catch up prior to meeting and avoided the need to constantly ask questions!

Thanks to John Grant, the Sexey's researcher, for the huge amount of hard work and time he contributed in getting this off the ground. His time, commitment, experience and tenacity have been exceptional. {If you're looking for help in organising a class reunion or having difficulty in tracing a former classmate, John can be contacted via}

We both thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of trying to locate people through phone books, past contacts, Facebook and the Internet. I then had the privilege of catching up with them personally.

The evening went so fast that many people didn't have enough time to catch up with everyone, but all now have contact details for most people in the year, whether they attended or not. A measure of the success is that many people want to meet up less formally every year. Plans for this and a more formal event when we are 65 are already under way. This will also enable those unable to attend this year to meet up with us in the not too distant future.

We held a minutes silence to remember those pupils who are sadly no longer with us.


It was really heartening to meet so many well rounded, successful and happy former classmates. The breadth and diversity of their careers and achievements was breath taking.

- Louise Peace (Calderon)

2017 Brent House Reunion 

For the first time the reunion was held earlier in the year, on May 15th around 60 people attended and , as usual, had a very enjoyable 3 course lunch.

It was particularly nice to see Norah Laurie (one of Mr Tomlinson's daughters) who attended for the first time. We were hoping to see Gordon Churchyard who had been the Chemistry and Music teacher in the 1970's but unfortunately he failed to attend - hopefully another year. 

Many thanks to Cynthia and Nigel Dean and other helpers who made this reunion a success. 

 'Class of 1960 to 1965' Reunion, Weston Cricket Club

From L to R: ~ Sally Reeve (nee Heal) ~ Mary Gardner (nee Moody) ~ Gerald Ham ~ Elaine Northrop (nee Plimsole) ~ Alana Miller (nee Ward) ~ Pat Deane (nee Lane) ~ Jane Streeter ~ Steve Thorne ~ Maggie Roberts (nee James) ~ Alan Vaughan ~ Martyn French ~ Lynn Thomas (nee Fry) ~ Sheila Hammerton (nee Vicary).



On Sunday 9th October 2016 at Weston Cricket Club there was a get-together of thirteen members of 'The Class of 1960 -1965'. The event was organised by Steve Thorne, who most years meets up with Martyn French (still fondly known as 'Olly') when he comes over from Australia where he has lived for many years. Those attending the reunion travelled to Weston-super-Mare from as far afield as Swindon, Bath , Hertfordshire and Essex - and two of the class completed the 750 miles round trip from Whitley Bay, North Tyneside. Others who could not attend were, of course, 'mentioned in dispatches'. Steve commented that "It was really good to be back together and the time just flew by. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon".



(Contributed by Sally Reeve and Steve Thorne.)

 2016 Boarders of the 60's Reunion

As usual this event was held on the first Sunday in September, meeting at the Sexey's Arms for lunch. The task this year was to discover whether or not the original 1897 building (which hosted the school for 2 years before the Blackford site was completed) still existed in nearby Stoughton. I can confirm that it still does, complete with steps leading to a 1st floor door and dovecote at one gable end and slate tiles are still used on the roof.

The pictures show the gable end nearest the road - two were taken so the photographer wouldn't feel left out!

The 2nd picture, clearly shows two upper hinges still present which were almost definitely belonging to a pair of barn doors.

Also of interest is the Victorian letterbox (you can just make out the VR) which had very likely been installed prior to 1897 - this meant that the few boarders on the site didn't have far to travel to post their letters home!

On returning to the Sexey's Arms we discovered that Diane Hayman (as was) had arrived with her husband bringing the total number up to eight. As usual we had a really tasty lunch (complete with apple pies and treacle puddings etc!) which ended a lovely, enjoyable day. See you next year, everyone!! Martyn

2016 Brent House Reunion 

Report on the Reunion held on Monday 4th July 2016 at Brent House Restaurant.

57 People attended this year's reunion, and based on the noise level all were enjoying meeting fellow "old students".

Martyn James, in his remarks to the gathering mentioned that although all appeared to appreciate this annual gathering, the trend of people able to attend over the last 2 years was going down. Last year it was 74 and in 2014 it was 90.

However we received 83 replies to our emails "regretting not being able to attend this year" and about 30 of these replies stated that it was "due to them taking holidays at this time".

With this comment in mind the committee wondered if we ought to consider in 2017 holding the reunion in May. We suggest Monday 8th May.

The reaction from most of those present was they find the 1st Monday in July fine, but as the replies seem to suggest May could be better, I was asked to email you all to see if it would be better to change the date.

The Option is:


A. I would prefer it, if the 2017 date be Monday 8th May 2017

B. I would prefer that it stays as Monday 3rd July 2017.

Please reply as soon as possible and by 20th August.


Cynthia Dean

 (Many thanks for all the work you and your team carried out, Cynthia, it was a very enjoyable reunion despite the low numbers. If we do decide to change the date let's hope it improves the numbers! - Martyn)

2015 Reunion of Classes of 66, 69 and 1970

This very large reunion was held on Saturday, August 8th at the Riverside Inn, Cheddar with an attendance figure of well over 100. The reunion was the brainchild of Eleanor Clarke (class of 1970 - now Ellie Clarke Snyman) but due to the fact that she lives in South Africa the organisation for the event was passed on to ex classmate Carole Cox (now Carole Poole). Carole worked with Sue Elliot, Judith Greenow and Karen French.

Past pupils were invited to send in a short biography of their lives since school and these were put into a booklet with copies for everyone.

A total of 20 biographies found their way into the booklet, making it a very interesting read.


(To date I haven't received a report on this reunion but I'm sure everyone had a good time. Many thanks to Karen Collins for providing me with some school day photos - amazingly you were the only one, Karen so you get a gold star for that! If you're reading this and you have some pics that could go on the site please email them to me, it's great for everyone to see them. Karen's pictures will shortly appear in the current image gallery.- Martyn James)

 2015 Boarders of the '60s Reunion 

On Sunday, September 13th six of us met up at the Sexey's Arms, Blackford with a job in mind, namely to find the two shops we used to frequent back in the 60's which were both located at Heath House. One was nicknamed 'Nancy's' which was on the left hand side as you left the school heading up Wells Way (the road down the side of the school) and the other, called the 'Copper Kettle' was situated in Heath House also on the left. 'Nancy's' used to be a wooden or wooden clad structure and , if memory serves, was little more than an extension of a room inside the house.

As we walked up Wells Way we were surprised how many 'new' properties had appeared since we had last walked that way - I could remember walking there as a boarder looking for empty Corona bottles in the ditch either side and then taking them to the Copper Kettle to get 3d back for each which meant I could buy a Mars bar!

After about a mile we came upon a prime candidate for 'Nancy's' which was a wooden clad building on the left hand side by the first cross roads - a  Post box built into the side indicated that the exterior wood either clad brick or stone and that this wasn't just a large wooden building which would not have been suitable for siting a post box. Further proof that this was the correct building came from a conversation that Geoff Thorne had when we'd got back to the Sexey's Arms for lunch. He got talking to one of the longstanding locals who confirmed that we had found the right place. 


Turning right at the crossroads we saw some likely looking 'Copper Kettle' candidates on the left. As I was about to knock on someone's door keen eyed Bev saw the 'Copper Kettle' sign on the house next door to the one where I was making enquiries! Needless to say a number of changes had been made. The current owners were more than happy to show us round the back garden area which had the original well - apparently the house dates back to the 17th century - many thanks to the owners who made us very welcome.


With the help of Bev's OS map we were able to take a circular route back to Blackford, passing we think, the site of the old, dilapidated cottage that we used to run past (and sometimes go in!) when we did our cross country runs.


As usual we had a very tasty lunch at the Sexey's Arms and 'Dave' the owner was more than happy to take a  picture of the whole group afterwards.

This year it was the turn of Patsy and Rob (from the class of '65) to celebrate their 50th year since joining the school, here they are together.

With all the pictures over we said our goodbyes in the car park and so ended a really enjoyable reunion. A decision was made that from now on the reunion would always take place on the first Sunday of the month.

Note: This reunion is open to any boarder who was at Sexey's during the 60's this means they may have started boarding in the mid 50's onwards. A large number of girls from my own year (1964) boarded but I've not had any communication from them at any time (apart from Celia Cox who, I believe, still lives abroad).

I'll mention their names just in case someone has some information about their whereabouts. In addition to Celia there were Janice Smith, Jane Kilgannon, Deborah Hawkins, Linda Greenwood and Bernice Ball.  Please get in touch on if you have any info about these past pupils. 

- Martyn James  

2015 Brent House Reunion

As usual this was held on the first Monday in July. Unfortunately this year the numbers attending were down dramatically to just 75. These represented 34 years of Sexey's school from 1936 to 1970 - it was nice to see a few more younger Old Sexonians attending. 

As usual Brent House produced a good selection of excellent food which was served promptly and efficiently by the helpful waitresses.

I mentioned the recent book about Hugh Sexey , written by PW Randell , which gives a well written and very readable account of the life and times of the great man. It reminds us that he died in 1619 and I hope there will be some form of commemoration to mark 400 years of his passing in 2019 - we have a few years to think about it.

I also mentioned the very large reunion that's about to take place in Cheddar which comprises of 3 classes (1966,69 and 1970) organised by  Carole Poole who was in attendance at Brent House for the first time - very best of luck, Carole! This could easily turn into one of the largest ever Sexey's reunions once 'other halves' are added. Hopefully, people will bring along lots of pictures and other memorabilia for me to copy and, in turn, provide lots more information for the website of those very final years of the Grammar School.

Once again many thanks to Cynthia and Nigel Dean for all their hard work in putting on another highly enjoyable and smooth running event.    Martyn James 

Boarders of the '60's Reunion 2014

On Sunday September 17th, eight former boarders met at the Sexey's Arms at midday for the third annual reunion. On this occasion we began the day with our village walk having placed our orders for Sunday lunch with 'Dave' from the Sexey's.

This year the weather was warm and sunny making the village walk a very pleasant one and, unlike last year, the village church was open to visitors. Unfortunately, on entering we were to be disappointed, not only was the old visitors' book unavailable which meant that we couldn't look at our names/messages placed there in the 1960's but the pews had been changed (either replaced or totally refurbished) which meant that the 'historical' graffiti left by the groups of visiting boarders since the 1920's and 30's had been erased forever more - a chunk of boarder history gone. I feel really pleased that I had photographed some of it at an earlier reunion, especially as one of the perpetrators was someone who I had previously interviewed for this website - an incredible coincidence! This can be seen in Photo Gallery 5, pic 45 .

 For the school photos we were very lucky to have Dianne's partner along as it meant that every one of us could appear in the 'whole group' shot - this appears in Gallery 7.


It was a particularly poignant  'year' photo for Geoff Thorne and myself as it was our turn to celebrate the 50th anniversary of joining the school (half a century ago - I can't believe it!!)

All in all, the day proved to be a very enjoyable one with a quality Sunday lunch, fine weather and good company - it was lovely to see Pauline and Diana there for the first time. Hopefully, next year we will be joined by a few more new faces! 

- Martyn James 

Class of '63

Class of '63

Class of '64

Class of '64

Class of '65

Class of '65

The following reports range from 2006 t0 2011in that order.
Brent House 2006

(All photos contributed by Ann McLaren) 

Brent House 2008

This was attended by about 100 Old Sexonians, a record number ? - once again may thanks to Ann and Shirley. A big 'thank you' to all those of you who brought photos and documents for me to copy. Apologies to old schoolmates who I didn't get to speak to properly - with all those photos to sort out I had very little spare time! - MJ

Class of '54 Reunion, Brent House  

The class of '54-'61 held an enjoyable reunion at the Brent House on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009. The event was organised by Sally Shephard and Sally sent in the following picture and report of the event - 


Seated front row from left to right

Frances Hilson (Tyler), Ann Cox (Stevenson), Chris Duckett, Pam Slocombe (Sheppard)

Standing from left to right

Jeni Skidmore (Grimstead), Arthur Thompson, Cynthia Dean (Ham), Jackie Skidmore (White), Daphne Ireland (Hain), Judy Bell (Morgan), Victor Long, John Packer, Sally Sheppard (Berrington), John Loxton, Doreen Gallop (Starr), David Jones, Sally James (Bird), Gerald Sheppard, Tom Biss.     



Also present but not in the photograph was Maureen Worrall (June Hutchinson) 

Well, we did it! On 26 May 2009 a group of rather excited but apprehensive former class members met for the first time in forty five years in some cases and forty seven in others. We met at the Brent House Restaurant on a bright and sunny day. It was somewhat emotional as we all surreptitiously eyed each other to try to make out what the passage of time had done. Some were instantly recognisable and others so as soon as they spoke and all felt the years roll away as we reminisced.

The routes people had taken to get there varied geographically. Ann Cox (nee Stevenson) had come the furthest - from Anglesey in North Wales. John Packer had travelled from Eye in Suffolk.  Sally Sheppard (nee Berrington) came with her husband, Gerald from East Sussex.  Tom Biss and Frances Hilson (nee Tyler) had made it from Plymouth and near Exeter respectively. Pam Slocombe (nee Sheppard) had driven from Wiltshire whilst David Jones and Victor Long had come (independently) from Portishead. The others had nearer journeys to travel in terms of mileage but all had long psychological distances.

Many had interesting lives to report. Pam Slocombe is now a published author of eight books and she kindly gave us all signed copies of her 'Mark a Somerset Moorland Village' - a detailed study of Mark from its earliest settlement. John Packer MBE was Chief Executive of Norfolk County Council until his retirement. Arthur Thompson started out as a trainee computer programmer and since then has had an interesting and varied career. Mainly computer industry based, he moved on to management and then ownership of his own companies in far flung places such as Romania and Taiwan prior to retirement. He also owned a kit car company.  Chris Duckett is a successful farmer and renowned Somerset cheese maker. Jeni Skidmore (nee Grimstead) started as a florist and then went on to own and run Stone Allerton Post Office. Victor Long owns and runs a pub, The Ship, which he built himself.  Daphne Ireland (nee Hain) had been the long serving secretary at Kings of Wessex School. David Jones retired as an inspector in the Bristol Police Force with responsibility for organising the policing of major events such as Glastonbury Festival. Tom Biss, after having a life in management in industry, was a Senior Lecturer in Business Studies at Plymouth Business School which is part of Plymouth University. Sally James (nee Bird) owns and runs a large caravan site at Berrow and Brean. 

We had all raised families and contributed in various and unsung ways to local communities. Some have had sadness and emerged stronger, some are undergoing sadness currently but all made it to an event that delighted and gave food for thought.

I have attached a group photo which we took after our lunch. I have added the names to aid identification!

Sally Sheppard, 22 June 2009

Brent House Reunion, 2009

Once again a very enjoyable reunion was attended by around 100 Old Sexonians on July 6th. Sadly,this was the last reunion to be organised by Ann and Shirley and, on behalf of all those who have ever attended one of their well organised events, I would like to say a great big 'Thank You' for all the work they've both put in to making them a big success. Thankfully, Cynthia Dean and Daphne Ireland along with Jeni and Jackie Skidmore have volunteered to organise next year's event - many thanks to all four of you!  (Cynthia tells me that next year's event has already been booked for Monday, July 5th.)

Once again it was lovely to see Isobel Rendell attending at the ripe, young age of 102! She was presented with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers by Ann McLaren - we all look forward to seeing you next year, Miss Rendell.

Thank you to all those who brought in photos for me to copy and the odd magazine to summarise for the website. I was really quite glad to see fewer offerings this year as I actually had some time to speak to people! - I'm still hoping to see a good number of photos next year, please raid those old photo albums!

Cynthia Dean informed us of School Association money that was still left in bank accounts from the 1970's. At the time of writing efforts are being made to relieve the banks of this 'forgotten' money so it can be put to a good use. There will be an announcement on the Home Page when I hear any news.


Colin Mitchell, a pupil from the 50's turned up all the way from Australia and sent me the following photo, taken at the reunion, of members of the class of 1950. Colin was on a long tour of Europe and didn't intend to return to Oz until September. Colin doesn't seem to think he'll be visiting the UK again.

Back Row L-R 

Colin Mitchell, Brian Evans, Peter Tippetts

Front Row L-R 

David How and Ron Frost

Finally, a big thank you to Des Russett's partner, Annette, who very kindly took and forwarded me the following reunion photos. 

CLASS OF 1949 - 1954 REUNION

 On Friday, 18th June 2010 the class of 1949 to 1954 were reunited to mark the 60th anniversary of their first year at Sexey's Grammar School (1949/50). The reunion was organised by Ann Amesbury (nee Callow) and John Grant, who sent in the following photograph and report of the event.


Left to right: John Wilson, Hazel Hudson (nee Puddy), Pamela Vigus (nee Redman),Angela Howell (nee Pavey), Arthur Heywood, John Grant, Mary Trimble (nee Sheppard), Brian Lewis, Mary Ellis (nee Hardwidge), Mary Tucker (nee Grimstead), Grace Harvey (nee Vincent),Eileen Tucker (nee Chick), Grace Elliott (nee Kerton), Francis Hobbs, Ann Amesbury (nee Callow), Grace Bond (nee Callow), Joyce Huett (nee Tripp) and Geoffrey Ives. 

We had successfully traced or accounted for all 31 members of the class and received an overwhelmingly positive response to our Questionnaire. We were delighted that so many wanted to attend, albeit age, health and family commitments did prevent several from attending and three of the class had passed on. Many still lived locally or somewhere in Somerset, but others travelled from the West Midlands, Shropshire, Essex, Surrey, Wiltshire and South Wales. We met at 12 noon in a large bar set aside for us at 'The Sexeys Arms' at Blackford, which had been beautifully decorated in black and amber balloons, bunting and flowers by Ann and Grace Harvey (nee Vincent) and where the landlord had laid on a splendid lunchtime buffet - an impressive sight.

Fair wear and tear and the ravages of time had altered the appearance of some of us, but eyes and voices change very little and the black and amber name badges we all wore were not really needed. Banter and unfinished conversations from the mid-50s were soon in full flow and we exchanged news about what we had all been doing whilst a lot of water had passed under a lot of bridges.

We were privileged to be joined by Martyn James ( was kept busy copying the old photographs and memorabilia which many had kindly brought with them. We were also fortunate that he was there to take a group photograph of everyone who had attended (see above). (Thank you very much for the invitation, John. I was very happy to be there - MJ)

After lunch we strolled over to the now Hugh Sexey Middle School, where we were welcomed by the Deputy Head. Mrs Gould, the Office manager, then gave us a guided tour of the school and grounds which I thought had changed out of all recognition, except for the familiar attractive grey stone walls of the original school that we all remember so fondly. The school is now a large well appointed and well equipped Middle School with over 650 pupils, nearly 40 teaching staff and over 50 support staff. We thanked Mrs Gould for finding time to show us around. One of us is still awaiting news of his request for the return of an item that was confiscated in 1953!

We returned to 'The Sexeys Arms' for a welcome cup of tea and my, perhaps not so welcome, address - which is summarised hereunder.


"Have you given any thought as to why so many of us are here today?

We all left Sexey's in the mid-50s to pursue further education, to start work, to shape a career or to get married and start a family; and most of us have had little or nothing to do with the school since. For over 50 years I'd had no contact at all with either Sexey's or any of my former classmates until two year ago when I was contacted out of the blue by Martyn, who told me about the Old Sexonians website and requested me to contribute my personal memories of life at Sexey's, which I was pleased to do. Having been prompted to look back I've since thought about it a great deal. Now, having spoken to all of you, I have no doubt at all that we are all here today because we wanted to be. Despite the austerity of the post war period, I was very happy at Sexey's and suspect that most of you were too. Having now been involved in research for the website for two years, I've traced and spoken to many Old Sexonians (over a hundred), most of whom are older than us, and it came across loud and clear from the vast majority of them that they too had been happy at Sexey's.

"So why was Sexey's such a happy school?

Was it the school's beautiful rural setting?

I certainly never thought that at the time. Was it the buildings and grounds? - Very doubtful, I would think.Was it because Sexey's was the smallest Grammar School in Somerset at that time? - Possibly. If you believe that small is beautiful then there were obvious advantages. Was it because Sexey's was a mixed school? - That definitely helped.Was it because the school had a very large catchment area? - Maybe. Some of us were local, others travelled long distances on the school brakes, and most of the boarders came from further afield, so perhaps we all brought more to the school than just 11+ or 13+ certificates - not least a variety of different family backgrounds, experiences and talents. Or could it have been due to the teaching staff at Sexey's during our senior school days? - I've thought about that a lot and am quite sure they were an important factor. I've realised that they collectively gave Sexey's one huge advantage over other schools - continuity. With just one exception (Mr Potter, our unforgettable French Master), all of the staff who were at Sexey's when we started in 1949 were still there when we all left. Moreover, you may not be aware that, without exception (I think), this dedicated group of teachers all continued at Sexey's until they reached retirement age. I was even more surprised to find that Mr Tomlinson was Headmaster at Sexey's for an incredible 25 years.

"So why should staff continuity matter to you and I?

You could say that they did their job and got paid - but I don't think any of them were in it for the money. Teaching was their vocation in life. Most of them were probably not at the top of their professional ladder - but they were all very committed. They knew us all individually, they helped us all and they influenced most of us for the better - in relation to our behaviour, the way we interacted with others, the way we spoke to others, encouraging us to think and to always try to do the right thing, and the many other important aspects of growing into caring responsible adults. Continuity greatly helped make all of that possible. You might say that their continuity and dedication put the 'X' Factor into Sexey's and contributed greatly into making our school such a happy school. We were the beneficiaries.


So, I would now like to pay my personal tribute to each of those members of staff - in verse. I do hope that all or most of you will echo my thoughts."


Mrs Irons

No matter which part of the globe - Mrs Irons lessons might feature,

she was always awe-inspiring - and a very effective teacher.

She was often fired-up and loud, - but forever I'll be in her debt,

as her everyday passion for Geography - was something I'll never forget.


Miss Merriman

I hardly knew Miss Merriman - as she didn't teach the boys

She and the girls seemed to play all day - with Domestic Science toys.

Plain wholesome cooking was achieved by many - but I was seldom offered a bite,

unless, of course, the dish of the day - had turned out not quite right.


Miss Rendell & Miss Padfield

Miss Rendell taught English and R.I. - and the joys of English Lit.

And I wish I'd paid more attention - and had learned a bit more about it.

Miss Padfield also taught English - and the mysteries of Latin as well.

I didn't do well in either - as you now can probably tell.

But they both spoke exceptionally good English - and some of that rubbed off on me,

And I now cope quite well with my wife's maiden Aunt - and entertaining the Vicar for tea.


Miss Barnes

Whenever Miss Barnes lost control - she usually lost her tether.

Certain boys would wind her up - I ask you, "Would I ever?"

She'd inflate her rosy-red cheeks - and noisily slam down her book,

Then focus hard on the culprit - with a desperate withering look.

History was distorted forever - by the misdeeds of some of our class,

So it's hard to believe, that at the exam, - some of us actually passed!


Peter Lee

Mr Lee moved down here from Yorkshire - on the day that we all began,

A scholar and an athlete - and a fine mathematics man.

He starred as 'The Pirate King' on stage - coached cricket, football and more

and was the Judge in 'Trial by Jury' - and the Captain of 'Pinafore'.

I also learned a valuable lesson, - which wasn't taught as such,

you can always tell a Yorkshireman - but you cannot tell him much!


Les Pavey

Mr Pavey taught us woodwork - according to the 'Gospel of Les',

where you watch everything he shows show you - and listen to what he says.

T'was all very new to me - and I didn't do well for a while,

but I gradually picked up the hang of it - and improved by a country mile.

Les loved wood grain and wood joints - and loved telling his woodworking jewels,

and I know that I'll always be grateful to him - for teaching me how to use tools.


Alroy {'Alan'} Tonkin

Mr Tonkin taught art and music - and joined the boys for the occasional game,

but promoting Gilbert & Sullivan - was Alan's main claim to fame.

I still love 'Pirates' and 'Pinafore', - 'Trial by Jury' just never ends,

so Gilbert & Sullivan, thanks to Alan - will always be treasured friends.

Norman Potter & Ray Packer

Our French Master 'Pansy Potter' - was ever so slightly deranged,

so it wasn't really surprising - when he was ever so slightly changed.

A flying black rubber dagger - with a four inch rubber blade,

would always be slightly disturbing - never mind with what it was made.

He was replaced by Raymondo Packer - a sane and sensible man,

who against all the odds, nevertheless, - got most of us through the exam.


Arthur {'Joe'} Swallow

Double Science in the lab with Joe Swallow - sometimes highlight of the week,

but if things went wrong and t'was YOU not on song - things could get decidedly bleak.

Joe didn't suffer fools gladly - and YOU'd be the first to know,

but for all his sarcasm and bluster - he was still a pretty good Joe.

Every aspect of school was Joe's oyster - for he was also Deputy Head,

so you always took particular notice - of whatever wise words that he said.

Now EVERYONE knows that ONE SWALLOW - doesn't a summer make,

but it's not down to Joe, that it isn't so - I just think he deserves a break.


and so,

in recognition of just one swallow's

unwavering service at Sexey's over many summers,

it gives me great pleasure to announce,

that after much campaigning - it has been agreed nationally -

that when the first swallow is sighted in 2011, that year will be declared



Henry ('Harry') Tomlinson

Harry the Head was MY hero - a genial and gentle man,

who fought long and tirelessly for Sexey's - over a quarter century span.

Through the war years and into the sixties - Harry weathered stormy seas,

but still found time for his family - his garden and his bees.

He was much more than just a leader - for he cared about the school,

and he cared about the staff - and all the children too.

Enthusiasm and good nature - and, perhaps, just being Mr 'T',

were qualities that I respected - I hope some of it rubbed off on me?

What was Harry's secret? - Did he follow a 'Golden Rule'?

It surely wasn't luck that we all enjoyed - a very happy school?

For me, Sexey's was a privilege - and I was fortunate that I came -

............. and I also had the best of classmates ................ I do hope you feel the same.


Ladies and Gentlemen. We, and many other Old Sexonians, owe our gratitude to this small group of professionals who taught us, influenced us all for the better and greatly assisted in making Sexey's such a happy school. The toast is:






I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended our class reunion today and for helping to make this such an enjoyable, memorable and happy event.

John K. Grant

30th  June 2010

Brent House Reunion, 2010

The 2010 OSA Annual Reunion held on 5th July was very successful.  103 acceptances were received, unfortunately 2 were unable to attend due to illness. We now have well over 250 names on our data base, which will probably increase by next year. If everyone attends will we end up having to use 2 rooms?  It was a great help for those who sent an apology and hopefully this will increase next year or perhaps let us know if they do not wish to be involved.

A request has been made that we include the Year in  which everyone started and also put online a list of those attending a few days before the actual Reunion.

Brent House has aleady been booked for 4th July 2011.  So many people have commented on the excellent service we were given again this year.

It was great to see Miss Rendell, at the wonderful age of 103,  and thanks go to her for saying Grace for us. She was thrilled with the flowers Jeni Skidmore made up for her.

Martyn did his inestimable work again with photos etc., for which we are so grateful. The website is a credit to all of his hard work.

It was nice that so many people arrived just after midday and had the opportunity to talk to old friends before as well as during the meal.

Cynthia has produced a balance sheet for the accounts.

Many thanks to all of you who made this a special occasion, being our first attempt at organising the event.

(Thanks for the report, Daphne.The event was really enjoyable and Cynthia, yourself and the rest of the team should all be thanked and congratulated - MJ)


I felt priveleged to pass the bouquet to Miss Rendell and we look forward to seeing her again next year.


Here, Gwen Jepps can be seen leaving Brent House with Miss Rendell (Thanks to Ann Amesbury (Callow) for the picture).

Thanks to all those who brought me in pictures to copy. In particular Jackie Skidmore who had a seemingly 'endless' supply , Donald Coombes who had made the trip all the way from Norwich with his early whole school picture and Lynn? Thomas who brought in a very rare miniature 'Roll of Honour' which showed all those Old Sexonians on active service in WW1. Please search your albums for next year, it's amazing what still turns up. - MJ


The reunion for those of which attended between 1956 and 1961 for those taking O levels was held at the Sexeys Arms on the 8th September 2010. The event commenced at Noon but on arriving at the pub car park at 1135am I found at least a dozen people had already arrived and were standing about chatting having I assume introduced themselves to one another. Name tags were available in school colours for all ex classmates, and tags in a different colour were provided for those partners that attended. Although some people were instantly recognisable, the name tags were very useful! I welcomed everybody to the event and said that I could not believe that chatting to David Fear and Robert Hector on the internet just a few months ago had led to this gathering.


Rear Gents L-R  David Fear, Stuart Ham, Robert Hector,Stan Hill, Dave Hill.


Front L-R   Brenda Jackson, Liz Jones, Sue Dean, Wendy Stevens, Betty Brooks, Gavin Mcardle, Diane Padfield, Hilary Pert, Pam Watts, Di Jones, Jenny Mason-Putt, Ann Watts, Jacky Wilson, Pauline Jones, Angela Wilshire, Alex Hughes.

A few people were unable to attend and good wishes were passed on to the group from Gillian Gough and Gillian Brookman who were both on holiday. I also mentioned that Howard Burridge would like to have attended but had recently undergone an operation and was at home recuperating. All three had expressed interest in attending a future event if another is arranged. I then spoke of the eight classmates who were no longer with us namely -


Jane Dann

Kathleen Puddy

Jo Smith

Rosemary Hobbs

Yvonne Rawlinson

Veronica Gibson

Gail Pharoh

Raymond "Eggo" Page


I also mentioned Keith Ham who has a nervous illness and lives in a Home in Burnham on Sea and would not be fit enough to join us. I asked that everybody raise their glasses and the toast was to "Absent Friends".



The Sexeys Arms provided an excellent buffet and they are to be thanked for making our visit so enjoyable. At 1345 most ex classmates made the walk up the hill for a 45 minute tour of good old Blackford Sexeys School. The school was much changed in many ways as you would expect after nearly 50 years, but some parts were much as we remembered with much fondness. Louise Gold who took us around the school had great difficulty getting us all to keep up, there was much stopping and looking and expressions of "do you remember when...." Many thanks to Louise for taking us around and to the Headmistress not only for agreeing to our visit but for also taking time out to welcome us on our arrival. It was all very much appreciated by us all.....oh, and the gym, it looked exactly the same, was that really the same apparatus? It certainly looked the same!


At around 1500 we made our way back to the Sexey's Arms for our "pudding" and another two hours of chat was enjoyed by all. One person who was please he was passing the Sexeys Arms on that day was a cyclist going from Lands End to John O Groats, he stopped off and left £60 richer in his collection for "Help for Heroes"


I think we all had a great day and one we will all remember. Will we do it again? Watch this space, but if we do we had better not wait another 50 years!



David Hill



Ex Classmates attending were -


Betty Brooks

Alex Hughes

Brenda Jackson

Diane Padfield

Sue Dean

Robert Hector

David Fear

Angela Wilshire

Stuart Ham

Gavin Mcardle

Jenny Mason Putt

Di Jones

Jacky Wilson



Ann Watts

Pam Watts

Hilary Pert

Wendy Stevens

Liz Jones

Stan Hill

Pauline Jones

David Hill


(All girls names are as in the school days i.e their maiden names.)


(Thank you, David for sending in this report and picture - MJ) 

Brent House Reunion, 2011

The newly formed Old Sexonians Association made our second attempt at organising the Annual Reunion, and were very pleased to see many new faces, due mainly to the work of John Grant, who has been a stalwart contacting so many ex-students for the Association's records.

120 Old Sexonians attended this year, a record. Our oldest attendee, Dennis Withers, actually started the school in 1935. Many others came from a distance, as far afield as Scotland.

Martyn James was on hand to copy any items about the school which had been brought to him. (Please look out any items that you might have hidden away which would be of interest and bring along next time or contact him directly on the website.)

Miss Rendell, was in fine voice and said grace for us. She was delighted with her basket of flowers which Jeni Skidmore had made for her. We are indebted to Gwen Jepps, Gerald and Pauline Lunn, who again brought Isabel to join us.


 Left to Right: Fred Coombes ~ Verity McDonagh (nee Wickham) ~ Bill Gooden ~ Sam Petheram. (Pic donated by Fred Coombes)


The service and food were excellent, particular thanks to Richard who went out of his way to make Isabel comfortable.

Many ex students attended early which gave them a chance to 'chat' to old colleagues before they were seated.

We did not, in the end, have a problem with 'overcrowding', as many of those contacted didn't bother to reply! (the only overcrowding was in the carpark! - MJ)

Unfortunately the photographer from the local paper, which I had arranged, failed to attend!      

- Daphne Ireland.

(Thanks for the write-up, Daphne. Both you and Cynthia need to be congratulated on a very successful reunion - a lot of hard work ! - MJ.) 

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we have already booked for next year, Monday 2nd July, 2012. Make a note in your diary!

Daphne Ireland presents Isabel with the basket of flowers. 

Here is a list of those attending, compiled by Daphne Ireland -




















































































































































(not my words!)

Staff 1968-76


As requested, 2 of these lists were posted around the room and were found to be very useful by a number of people.  

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